Stoke Lodge Primary School

Year 4 - Denmark

Welcome to Denmark Class

Our teacher is:

  • Mr Davies
  • Mr Price (SEN Teaching Assistant)

Welcome to Denmark Class!

Welcome to Denmark Class. We have an extraordinary year ahead of us becoming scientists, artists or geographers as well as studying many other subjects. I enjoy visiting places around the UK, discovering ancient landscapes and imagining the roles of people who were there hundreds of years ago, which links to our themes on Blue Planet and Civilisations. Spending time outside, observing nature and creating new spaces within my garden provide me with a sense of calm which can be seen in our classroom with many plants dotted around. I look forward to spending the year with you all and discovering new ideas.

We are so excited to embark on our journey of curiosity with you all this year in our themes this academic year as part of our Curious Curriculum.

Term 1

Term 2 & 3 Term 4 & 5

Term 6

Our Blue Planet Civilisations Flora and Fauna

Natural Phenomena

Click here to see our curriculum map for the year.

Class Newsletters and Knowledge Organisers