Stoke Lodge Primary School

Working With You

We welcome parents and carers into our school, recognising that we are partners in the education of your children.

We feel very privileged to have such supportive parents; your input and feedback is greatly valued.

We communicate with you in a variety of ways, via texts, emails, regular newsletters, questionnaires, workshops and informal events, Parents-Teacher Consultation Evenings, open classroom events, exhibitions and other events where the work and achievements of pupils is showcased. Our team are always happy to meet with you to discuss any concerns you may have.

We know that children learn best in a well-organised, calm and secure environment with high standards of behaviour. We want every child in our school to feel confident, happy and safe. As a caring school we have the high expectations for pupils’ learning, behaviour and attitudes; we encourage our children to develop pride in their achievements.

You will receive regular reports on your child’s progress achievements; this may take the form of a written report, or a meeting with their class teacher. Between those meetings, teachers invite you to contact them to ask any questions you may have or to arrange a meeting.

We welcome any voluntary help that parents feel they can give during the school day. Please see the class teachers or come to the office. We have several parents, who come in to hear readers, check reading records or just help generally in the class.

We hold ‘Meet the Teacher’ events and open classrooms for parents to familiarise themselves with the new classroom and teacher. Twice each year, we hold more formal Parent-Teacher Consultations to discuss your child’s progress. There is a formal written report in July however our team are always on hand so please do not hesitate to speak to one of us.

We have a positive restorative approach to behaviour management which encourages children to be self-disciplined and to make the right choices. Good behaviour is rewarded and there are consequences for inappropriate behaviour. Behaviour is consistently throughout the school is good because we have consistency and an agreed culture and ethos agreed by all stakeholders.


If you have a concern, please do not hesitate to contact either your child’s Class Teacher or the Key Stage Lead in the first instance.

If the matter cannot be resolved in this way the school, speak to a member of the Leadership Team. If you feel at any time that a concern has not then been followed up, we have a clear set of procedures, available from the school office, in place to ensure that your concern is heard.